Thursday, November 27, 2008

An unexpected ramble

My boobs have lost all their jiggle. Heh, thank you gym.

I'm watching a doco on Channel 7 (in prime-time viewing! We need more of this shiz) about what happens to earth if humans disappeared. I thought it was one I'd seen before but wanted to see again, about the evolution of earths wildlife after we fuck off into space or whatever. But nope, this one is much, much more depressing. People have been implied to have died off and puppies are stuck inside houses, starving to death. Oh and wholey crap, a bear just came out of a subway tunnel.

On a completely (mostly) unrelated topic, the combination of a happening-as-I-type conversation with Trent and a short conversation I had with Markus the other day has me thinking about marriage. Would I get married? Could I get married? I mean, legalities aside.

I'm pretty jaded on the issue, being the product of a fairly fucked up family. Marriage doesn't make things good. Two people can practically hate each other and still be married. I see it all the time. A wedding seems to simply be a long-gone ceremony, costing far too much money, that deludes couples into thinking that they have to be together.

That said, I can't imagine a content life without a family of my own. I cannot imagine a future without somebody I love by my side and a kid or three that I care about more than I care about myself. I guess my view is that you don't need a wedding to be happy together, or to make a family. Being happy and healthy and contributing to loving relationships makes a family, as far as I'm concerned.

My view is tainted by being the child of divorced parents, surrounded by fucked up families and being betrayed by the people I allowed myself to care about.

I'm bitter, I know.

Reflecting on my little ramble, I do have to clarify that I hope to the gods that my view on all this changes. It might be how I see things now, but it's not how I always want to see things. Hopefully, one day, I will have that family, I will have those kids and I will have that man I trust enough to do something as ostentatious as a wedding ceremony with. But he'd have to be one heck of an awesome man, haha.

EDIT: 10:29PM

For an opinion with actual basis and proper arguments, here is Mitch's opinion, which I like very much. It's very inspiring. But only read if you agree to not dislike my writing after reading his. His may be much, much better.

Gay marriage: Two aspects to it as far as I'm concerned.

The first is a bona-fide equality issue. In this sense I cannot abide people who would actively seek to suppress a same-sex marriage. I can't see why it is a problem, I can't see how it subverts society, I can't see how it's anyone's issue but the two people getting married. On this I am typically left wing =P

My primary issue being that really, nobody CARES what anyone thinks about Gay Marriage - it's just a controversial issue that people can get outraged about no matter which side they're on. The people who oppose it wouldn't really care if it was legal or not - they'd be just as outraged that the concept exists in the first place.

So to that end, I don't like that it's illegal. That's a pretty easy one for me. Using a religious argument to deny equal rights to gays is like having your mechanic tell you that you can't have a tattoo. It's really not any of his business, if that analogy makes sense.

Then again, I support it only insofar as I think it ought to be equal. Like my views on marriage in general, I think it gets thrown around far too easily by people who ought to know what a big commitment it really is. Marriage has been built into this be-all-and-end-all thing that SO FEW people really appreciate - straight or gay.

How many times have you heard about the stunt gay marriages that divorce a few weeks later? I can't stand that, it seems to make a mockery of the whole equal rights process in the first place.

Marriage is, to my mind, a very serious thing. I'm kinda old fashioned and once someone's in a marriage I really think it ought to be for the EXACT right reasons so that when they say "till death do us part" it isn't just a fucken throwaway line.

So I think marriage ought to be equal, sure.

I also think everyone in the world needs to start treating it with the respect that they get a stiffie for when arguing against gay marriage. Somehow, the argument that "gays couldn't make a marriage work because they are promiscuous" holds such little weight when something like 50% of marriages end in divorce anyway. AGH. It's all very political =P

Marriage should be everyone's right.
If only people would treat it as a privellege.

EDIT: 12:12AM

...and now Haydn is engaged. What a weird, weird night.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Lack of uni combined with how completely awesome my life is at the moment means my poor blog suffers greatly. Sorry blog, but you're pretty much only good for angsty times and especially awesome things. And they mostly get written other places.

Work is getting better, I'm gaining confidence, finally. I sometimes still hate children but nowhere near as much. Plus, we played frak-off awesome parachute games today. How Tracey manages to make four very-similar games that utilise a big gay parachute stretch to an hour I will never know. I need them mad skillz.

Last night, I made chicken pizza. And I went to the beach. And I had ice cream. Pretty sure it was almost equal to my Kate gig. Almost. If only the stupid random dog hadn't run off with my free bucket and shovel. A miniature city to play Godzilla in would have topped off the night.

Yup, I'm odd. =D

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kaaaaate again *swoon*

Pretty sure that was the single best gig I've ever been to. But I got "infected with the general seediness that is Sydney", as Mitch says. I feel shite this morning, like I've been drinking. But I didn't. For the record.

I went to see the amazing that is Kate Miller-Heidke again last night. Road trip with Mitch, his sister Eryn and his friend Bron. Bron with the GOLD CONVERSES. Rad.

I have to say... still not a fan of Sydney. At all. I just can't get behind that place. So busy, so angry, so sad. There was a hobo-looking dude playing a recorder, crying. Crying! And Mitch was in Sydney just on Wednesday and the same guy was there, playing his recorder and crying! And there were hobos drinking beer in their undies and people taking their very small child (or possibly a midget) into a seedy lingerie shop. So many people, so many horns beeping... tall buildings that induce vertigo... if it weren't kinda pretty, I'd never go there.

Now, the Metro. I'd never been there before. It's so intimate! It was a fantastic place to attend a gig! We were right up near the stage... not near Kate, but near Nicole Brophy -- which, as far as I'm concerned, is just as rad as being up near Kate. The whole band are just so fantastic to watch. And I didn't realise until last night that Kate and Keir are husband and wife. That makes Space They Cannot Touch (already one of the most romantic songs I've ever heard) even more romantic. *sigh* How sweet.

They mixed up a couple songs too. Words is now way heavied up, with an extra verse in which Nicole summarises the whole point of the song by busting out her rock side and shouting, "Puck you, I won't do what you tell me!". Censored because it was an all-ages gig but still by far the best rendition of that song I've ever heard.


Best. Gig. Ever.

In other news, I'm looking forward to tomorrow! Just a bit. =D

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Countdown begins...

5 hours, 12 minutes...


Also, I'm learning an instrument, starting... Monday, I think. Finally. I know the instrument and the first song I wanna learn. Hmm, that should probably have been on my list considering it's the one thing I've always wanted to do more than ANYTHING ELSE.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

100 Things To Do Before I Die

So I'm a little morbid sometimes. I realise I'm mortal and that living doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna last til you're 120. Sometimes I think about what a fucked up life I've had and how it's inhibited me from doing a lot of things. Or, how I've inhibited myself from doing certain things, maybe. So Sarah posts an entry that questions on what you've done so far in life and it gets me thinking. With a bit of modification, I've turned it into a kind of wishlist. It's just a start but it would be nice to have done all of these things when I'm laying there, about to take my last breath.

I left a few in that I've already done, otherwise I'd never get the motivation to start. I've already done 31/100. A good start, methinks. Some of these things are pretty far out and I'll probably replace them when I give in to the inevitability of them. Some are basic but they're things I'm happy I've done.

Thanks, Lynchy. =)

01. Swim with dolphins
02. Climb a mountain
03. Take a car for a test drive
04. Walk inside the Great Pyramid
05. Hold a tarantula
06. Take a candlelit bath with someone
07. Say "I love you" and meant it
08. Hug a tree
09. Visit Paris
10. Watch a lightning storm at sea
11. Stay up all night long and see the sun rise
12. See the Northern Lights
13. Go to a huge sports game
14. Walk the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
15. Grow and eat your own vegetables
16. Touch an iceberg
17. Sleep under the stars
18. Change a baby's diaper
19. Take a trip in a hot air balloon
20. Watch a meteor shower
21. Get drunk on champagne
22. Give more than you can afford to charity
23. Look up at the night sky through a telescope
24. Have a food fight
25. Bet on a winning horse
26. Have a snowball fight
27. Scream as loudly as you possibly can
28. Hold a lamb
29. See a total eclipse
30. Ride a roller coaster
31. Dance like a fool and don't care who is looking
32. Adopt an accent for an entire day
33. Visit all 8 states and territories
34. Have amazing friends
35. Dance with a stranger in a foreign country
36. Watch whales
37. Steal a sign
38. Backpack in Europe
39. Take a road-trip
40. Go indoor rock climbing
41. Take a midnight walk on the beach
42. Go sky diving
43. Visit Ireland
44. In a restaurant, sit at a stranger's table and have a meal with them
45. Visit Japan
46. Milk a cow
47. Alphabetise your DVDs
48. Pretend to be a superhero
49. Sing karaoke in public
50. Lounge around in bed all day
51. Play touch football
52. Go scuba diving
53. Kiss in the rain
54. Play in the mud
55. Play in the rain
56. Go to a drive-in theatre
57. Visit the Great Wall of China
58. Tour ancient sites
59. Take a martial arts class
60. Play WoW for more than 6 hours straight
61. Get married
62. Be in a movie/television show
63. Crash a party
64. Make cookies from scratch
65. Win first prize in a costume contest
66. Ride a gondola in Venice
67. Get a tattoo
68. Appear on a television news program as an "expert"
69. Perform on stage
70. Go to Las Vegas
71. Record music
72. Eat shark
73. Kiss on the first date
74. Go to Thailand
75. Buy a house
76. Holiday on a cruise ship
77. Speak more than one language fluently
78. Raise children
79. Follow your favorite band/singer on tour
80. Take an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
81. Pick up and moved to another city to just start over
82. Sing loudly in the car, and don't stop when you know someone is looking
83. Write an article for a publication
84. Touch a stingray
85. Help an animal give birth
86. Win money on a TV game show
87. Fire a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
88. Ride a horse
89. Sleep for 30 hours in a 48 hour period
90. Visit all 7 continents
91. Eat kangaroo meat
92. Eat sushi
93. Have your picture in the newspaper
94. Change someone's mind about something you care deeply about
95. Read The Iliad and The Odyssey
96. Communicate with someone without sharing a common spoken language
97. Build your own PC from parts
98. Buy a brand-new car
99. Shave your head
100. Save someone's life

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wholey moley...

EDIT: 1:03PM


I've had time to process.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I'm so tirrrrred. I got off the coach and had to go straight to work. Which I'm starting to not like as much. Dude, I'm just not a sporty person, simple as that. I know most of the kids love me, I'm great at the interpersonal stuff. But I simply cannot fake a love of sports. Especially when they get hyper and decides to be flippin' wenches. *sigh*

Anyway, I'm home now. And tired. And a bit bored. But mostly happy. I got to spend a lot of time with Kaydance which was brilliant. Oh, and Sandy's pregnant again. Still processing that one...

Why has noone got Lisa Mitchell's new album?

Gods, I'm in such a whiny mood, apparently. Time for a nap.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

All that we'll have is this photograph...

So I didn't go to the math exam. I went to the Central Coast instead. Irresponsibility and all that stuff kicked in, I panicked and I left town. Take that, The Man. Of course, I received messages afterwards that were along the lines of, "Wow, the exam was pretty easy, huh?" Que my slapstick deadpan face. So it looks like I'm doing math again next year!

But on the plus side, I'm finished uni for the year. Yay for that. Except that I have TWELVE WEEKS OFF. I'm gonna need a hobby or something. Hunh. Start taking advantage of these awesome beaches I'm surrounded by, perhaps?

I saw some brilliant band whose name I have no idea of last night, at the View Factory. It was the first time I've been to that place, I was pretty impressed. Small, but still rad. If only certain pikers hadn't decided that being social was more important than listening to good music. Maybe it's me, maybe my priorities are all mixed up... yup, that sounds pretty likely, actually. Still, I thought it was a great night.

So now I'm off to coffee on Beaumont Street. Then the train for THREE AND A HALF HOURS. Will be totally worth it once I'm hugging my bubba though. =D

Happy birthday, mumma. xox

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Motivation... such an aggravation...

Again with the lack of motivation. I had most of a free day today and only managed to get my math folder from my car to my lounge room.

Only the plus side, I did clean the interior of my car, wash all my pants and go to work for two hours. Plus I watched, like, four episodes of Xena. So while I may fail my math exam and have to repeat the unit next year, I'll save fuel from a much-lighter car, I'll be able to wear pleasant-smelling jeans for tomorrow night and I've got the knowledge on how to break off a tree bough from ten metres away in order for it to fall on a dude I'm fighting (it involves a crazyass chakra that apparently doubles as a chainsaw when you throw it hard enough).

And I got a uniform. Rad.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Exams approaching... study hurt brain...

I'm sitting in my giant red beanbag waiting to go to the gym. It'll be the first really productive thing I've done all day. I did go to the library for a couple of hours this morning, but I don't feel like I achieved all that much. I'm just not an exam person! I'm more of an essay person, dude. I know that essays don't really test knowledge or whatever but I'm just happier to sit and study and prepare something but remembering things in a cohesive fashion? Not my strength.


I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm nearly done... two more exams... six more days...

I'm going to take some valuable advice and youtube 'italian woman parking' and 'fainting goats'. That sounds much more productive.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Homework sucks.

Time for one of my aforementioned 'homework sucks' blogs.

So once again, I've left shit until the last possible moment. I have my 1005 exam at midday tomorrow and I started studying for it at about 1 this arvo. What a dick. I'm over it by now. I've done about three hours study altogether (I had a shift at work). That's enough, right?? I figure I'm not gonna get much done now anyways if I'm so reluctant to do anything. I'll get up way early in the morning and head to uni and memorise all these masses of crap so I can spew it all back onto the page tomorrow.

*crosses fingers*

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bitter & Twisted

Today can be summed up in one word: radxcorebro.

This woman is possibly the most gorgeous person I have ever set eyes on. She's quirky, beautiful and has such an amazing voice.

In fact, I think I'm cured -- I like the ladies.

Bitter & Twisted was today. Mike and I traversed the distance from Hamilton to Maitland via the train, which was something I hadn't done for a long while. The festival was in the gaol, which was an ultra-awesome setting for a gig, I have to say.

The sole reason I went to this gig? The heavenly being that is Kate Miller-Heidke had a one-hour set. And it was brilliant. Absolutely awesome. Those that piked out? You suck and should forever feel a huge empty void where this gig would have sat. I'm just saying.

Please ignore the orientation of these vids. Just rotate your head 90 degrees anti-clockwise and you'll manage just fine.

See? And for Farnham goodness:

She played a lot off Little Eve, thank the gods. I love that album so damn much. She did manage to slip in some of her newer stuff too, from Curiouser. Like:

Of course, there was masses of beer. And prison-experience goodness. Mitch was there, as was Bronson. And a new boy, Mark. He was... interesting. I know nothing about him at all, so no judgements can be made. But he was... interesting, yes.

Of course, Josh Pyke was there, too. I'm a fan, it's just that... so much of his music sounds the same, you know? I'm just glad he managed to get this one in:

I'm really tired, so I'm sure I'm not doing the day justice. As long as I'm getting across that it was FUCKING BRILLIANT, then my job here is done.

I need some sleep :(

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I am procrastinations bitch.

No! Bad Alias producers! You do not get to end on a cliffhanger like that! Yes I am from your future and I know Vaughn and Sydney end up together again and that Will is alive and that Sydney has been some sort of brainwashed agent or something for the past two years but hey! I do not own season three and now I am left with a big stupid sack of questions I need answer to!

*deep breaths*

I joined the gym today. Hopefully that will add to my whole new getting-fit goal. It's more likely that it'll end up just being a vacuum of my precious moneys but hey, what can you do? A 12-month contract is a 12-month contract. I suppose I'd best be using that as my motivation!

Anyway, I should be studying rather than distracting myself with anything I can find. My first exam is Tuesday. I have the Kate Miller-Heidke gig tomorrow so that only leaves Monday for studying now. Damn.