Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Well-deserved scoffs.

I started my commitment to getting fit last night. Well no. My commitment is to getting fitTER than my current state. I suppose as a teacher I should be utilising my own zone of proximal development and encouraging my new found health goals to their maximum but dude -- I am lazy! My sole motivation is that my new job is as 'sports coordinator' or whatever. I'm expected to run around with dozens of kids for a couple hours on end.


Anybody who knows me has scoffed as soon as I have told them this. And the scoff is well-deserved, trust me! So raising my fitness level seemed logical enough. I jogged. At 11PM. around a four-block radius. It took the length of one of my new free mp3s. So, about three minutes 45 seconds. It almost killed me. So here's to making that length longer and sticking to my goals!

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