Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This morning, I turned up at the gym for my usual Wednesday morning pilates session. I waited expectantly as per usual for the class before to vacate the room. At this point, I usually start to look for our trainer but this morning, she was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a woman I'd never seen before waiting with us - a young, very muscular woman. When we finally get to enter the room, this muscular woman announces that in place of out usual pilates session, we will today be doing hot power yoga (without the hot). Without the hot?! Piss off, I sweated like I was doing real exercise! We had to do downward-facing dogs with one leg bend behind us while our hip flexors remained straight ahead (I don't actually know what any of that means, but I took a good guess and looked a little like what the instructor was doing)!

So now I'm a little sore. But it was, truth be told, actually really fun. To the point where, on the way out, I noticed a poster for a Power Yoga Boot Camp and very nearly signed myself up. It was at the same time as the beach bootcamp I'm signed up for in July though... and didn't want to risk killing myself in a painful and drawnout fashion. After all, I'm not the fittest Parkhillian and two simultaneous bootcamps are a bit of a risk :|

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