Man, I dislike holidays. I'm bored. And the worst part? It's completely my fault. I was supposed to get vacation care work these holidays but I kinda-sorta-completely didn't hand in my resume to the lady who wanted me to work for her until after she'd completed rosters. Dumb. But at least I can't make the same mistake next holidays, she's already guaranteed me work. Meanwhile, I have to get through my (hopefully!) final pay-less vacation period. Boredom is not easily relieved when you can't spend any money.
I should hopefully finish Mel's birthday present today (only a couple of weeks late). I finished it, mostly, last night. It just needs to be framed now. I'd post pictures... but it's kinda terrible so I won't be doing it. That said, Mel will love it regardless or I will kick her in her ladyparts.
Other than that... I have no idea how I will fill my day :|
Mark called this morning. Over an hour late, but you know... not that I was waiting by the phone or anything... (I was). I kind of hate when he calls from Europe, because I feel like, what can I possibly say that will be interesting? "Oh, you saw the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London today? You met a bunch of (probably) cool people along the way? Had a pint with them? Awesome, I... played the Xbox... and... yeah, that's all I've got." Not that I'm jealous (I am). He'll be back in just over a week.
Boot camp is going well. By going well, I mean I am having difficulty raising my arms to a point where I can type this. And even though I've gotten fingers to keyboard, I'm suffering for it. 5 boot camps in (I've attended 4, oops) and after tomorrows session, I'll be at the halfway point. I love it and I love watching my body change shape but... ouch. That's all I can say about it. I would love to do it again some day... but probably not in the summer, since you're apparently forced to go in the water. IN THE OCEAN. WHERE THE SQUISHY CREATURES LIVE. And then role in the sand. The hell? You want me to pay for that? (I probably will).
I need to go find something to do that isn't Facebook stalking.