I'm not sure what's happened of late. One minute, I'm bored out of my mind, hating everybody for working while I sit around my house doing nothing but some hardcore
Facebooking... the next I'm in a very awesome and very new place -- a place that has an amazing boyfriend, has me eating peanuts and cashews, has me
re-potting herbs and has me dancing in public places.
I've always considered myself a bit of a chameleon. I'm open to pretty much anything (albeit occasionally with a
tiny bit of protest) and as such, meeting new people makes me feel like a whole new person. I've never been able to pinpoint my actual personality. I'm sure my friends can, but it's just something I've never managed. I almost feel like a bit of a living chalkboard, being able to have things wiped clean and new things applied whenever the need arises. It's neither a good or a bad thing, as far as I can deduce. Or, more accurately, it's probably both.
The current Beau is having some serious financial issues, with my
rego due in a week, three months worth of phone bills being overdue, monies owed to people left right and centre... part of me is worried about it, but then the other me reminds the worried me that
stressing about it will only lead to bad places. So I sat, worked out a budget, shit myself about how
restrictive my next few months are going to be and suddenly all was good again. I'll get through it, you know?
Speaking of the current Beau, he is sitting in his office. I feel so grown up and stuff. The office has two computers and a whole bunch of text books. It's gonna be all formal and stuff soon. Granted it also has boxes of shit, a pile of dirty clothes and half of a big, fluffy brown couch from the 70s that resembles Snuffalapagus
... but it's getting there,
a'ight? There's a bookshelf in the neighbours open garage downstairs. I'm going to steal it. It would look very, very nice in my office with my uni textbooks, my
large cardboard
Tardis and my Batman Lego decorating it. Okay, yes, theft. But it's so pretty. And perhaps it will teach my neighbours not to leave their pretty shit in an open carport when there are poor, needy students around. Really, he should thank me.
In the same vein, I am in love with this part of my life. I have a bedroom that I share with an incredibly attractive boy; I have a kitchen with expensive cutlery and a fridge that I don't have to fight for space in; I have a
lounge room with an actual coffee table; best of all, I have a balcony on which I am able to have romantic breakfasts/sunset dinners upon with aforementioned incredibly
attractive boy. Yes, I may be accused of gloating. But man, as if I don't have reason to! The laws of the universe state that being this happy means that it will all inevitably come crashing down around me before long (as Sarah would say, it's science) , so why not live it up while it's all still here?
Time to go put together an outfit made entirely of black and
containing some form of mask. If I'm gonna do some
badass thieving, I need to look the part.