I'm watching a doco on Channel 7 (in prime-time viewing! We need more of this shiz) about what happens to earth if humans disappeared. I thought it was one I'd seen before but wanted to see again, about the evolution of earths wildlife after we fuck off into space or whatever. But nope, this one is much, much more depressing. People have been implied to have died off and puppies are stuck inside houses, starving to death. Oh and wholey crap, a bear just came out of a subway tunnel.
On a completely (mostly) unrelated topic, the combination of a happening-as-I-type conversation with Trent and a short conversation I had with Markus the other day has me thinking about marriage. Would I get married? Could I get married? I mean, legalities aside.
I'm pretty jaded on the issue, being the product of a fairly fucked up family. Marriage doesn't make things good. Two people can practically hate each other and still be married. I see it all the time. A wedding seems to simply be a long-gone ceremony, costing far too much money, that deludes couples into thinking that they have to be together.
That said, I can't imagine a content life without a family of my own. I cannot imagine a future without somebody I love by my side and a kid or three that I care about more than I care about myself. I guess my view is that you don't need a wedding to be happy together, or to make a family. Being happy and healthy and contributing to loving relationships makes a family, as far as I'm concerned.
My view is tainted by being the child of divorced parents, surrounded by fucked up families and being betrayed by the people I allowed myself to care about.
I'm bitter, I know.
Reflecting on my little ramble, I do have to clarify that I hope to the gods that my view on all this changes. It might be how I see things now, but it's not how I always want to see things. Hopefully, one day, I will have that family, I will have those kids and I will have that man I trust enough to do something as ostentatious as a wedding ceremony with. But he'd have to be one heck of an awesome man, haha.
EDIT: 10:29PM
For an opinion with actual basis and proper arguments, here is Mitch's opinion, which I like very much. It's very inspiring. But only read if you agree to not dislike my writing after reading his. His may be much, much better.
Gay marriage: Two aspects to it as far as I'm concerned.
The first is a bona-fide equality issue. In this sense I cannot abide people who would actively seek to suppress a same-sex marriage. I can't see why it is a problem, I can't see how it subverts society, I can't see how it's anyone's issue but the two people getting married. On this I am typically left wing =P
My primary issue being that really, nobody CARES what anyone thinks about Gay Marriage - it's just a controversial issue that people can get outraged about no matter which side they're on. The people who oppose it wouldn't really care if it was legal or not - they'd be just as outraged that the concept exists in the first place.
So to that end, I don't like that it's illegal. That's a pretty easy one for me. Using a religious argument to deny equal rights to gays is like having your mechanic tell you that you can't have a tattoo. It's really not any of his business, if that analogy makes sense.
Then again, I support it only insofar as I think it ought to be equal. Like my views on marriage in general, I think it gets thrown around far too easily by people who ought to know what a big commitment it really is. Marriage has been built into this be-all-and-end-all thing that SO FEW people really appreciate - straight or gay.
How many times have you heard about the stunt gay marriages that divorce a few weeks later? I can't stand that, it seems to make a mockery of the whole equal rights process in the first place.
Marriage is, to my mind, a very serious thing. I'm kinda old fashioned and once someone's in a marriage I really think it ought to be for the EXACT right reasons so that when they say "till death do us part" it isn't just a fucken throwaway line.
So I think marriage ought to be equal, sure.
I also think everyone in the world needs to start treating it with the respect that they get a stiffie for when arguing against gay marriage. Somehow, the argument that "gays couldn't make a marriage work because they are promiscuous" holds such little weight when something like 50% of marriages end in divorce anyway. AGH. It's all very political =P
Marriage should be everyone's right.
If only people would treat it as a privellege.
EDIT: 12:12AM
...and now Haydn is engaged. What a weird, weird night.